Monday, May 5, 2014

Two More Excerpts from My Book, A Chronicle of Echoes | deutsch29

Two More Excerpts from My Book, A Chronicle of Echoes | deutsch29:

Two More Excerpts from My Book, A Chronicle of Echoes

May 5, 2014

Here is the book description:
“Corporate reform” is not reform at all. Instead, it is the systematic destruction of the foundational American institution of public education. The primary motivation behind this destruction is greed. Public education in America is worth almost a trillion dollars a year.
Whereas American public education is a democratic institution, its destruction is being choreographed by a few wealthy, well-positioned individuals and organizations. This book investigates and exposes the handful of people and institutions that are often working together to
become the driving force behind destroying the community public school.
The paperback and hardback versions are now available.
The Kindle version is on its way. (I will announce once it is available.)
Since the cover image on does not offer the interactive “preview” feature, I would like to offer a glimpse into a couple of chapters.
The two I have selected for this post are chapters 2 and 3, on Eva Moskowitz and Wendy Kopp, respectively.
One of my favorite chapters in the entire book is the one on New York education privatizer Eva Moskowitz. Here is the opening paragraph, with additional excerpts:
Chapter 2: Eva Moskowitz: Stage Mother of Charter School “Success”
            If Mama Rose had forsaken Vaudeville and instead had focused upon a career establishing and running charter schools, she might have been mistaken for Eva Moskowitz. And just as Mama Rose did whatever she needed to do in order to propel her daughter Gypsy Rose Lee’s career, Moskowitz is equally as pushy and controversial in the charter school arena. …
            Moskowitz insists that her obsession is “for the children.” Yet she has chosen to surround herself with career financiers and pays herself handsomely. She is a driven, controlling woman running a business in education.
            Nowhere is Moskowitz’ drive clearer than in the 125, now-public emails between her and former New York Schools Chancellor Joel Klein and, to some extenTwo More Excerpts from My Book, A Chronicle of Echoes | deutsch29: