Monday, May 26, 2014

The Answer Sheet 5-26-14

Answer Sheet:

No. 1 Shanghai may drop out of PISA
First in 2009 and then in 2012, Shanghai’s 15-year-old students (or, rather, a supposed representative group)  were No. 1 in the world on the recent Program for International Student Assessment reading, math and science exams. But now, according to a popular Shanghai newspaper, Shanghai is considering dropping out of PISA. Why? The title of the article in Xinmin […]

Rating colleges is ‘like rating a blender’ — Education Department official
This is what  Jamienne Studley, a deputy under secretary at the Education Department, told a group of college presidents who were meeting to talk about President’s Obama’s plan to rate colleges with the apparent aim of driving out of business schools that don’t meet the administration’s definition of success, as reported by The New York Times: […]

The Answer Sheet 5-25-14
Answer Sheet: What school reformers can learn from pokerSchool reformers have made student outcomes the big focus of their efforts, targeting teachers for failure to improve student achievement. But teachers say they ignore the inputs — the issues students bring into a classroom and the training/resources of  teachers. Here’s a look about the problem with outcome-based assessment, by Ben Spielberg