Thursday, May 29, 2014

solidaridad: Marshall Tuck's legacy of institutional racism at Markham MS so bad, that U.S. Congress expresses concern

solidaridad: Marshall Tuck's legacy of institutional racism at Markham MS so bad, that U.S. Congress expresses concern:

Marshall Tuck's legacy of institutional racism at Markham MS so bad, that U.S. Congress expresses concern

Marshall Tuck's legacy of institutional racism at Markham MS is so bad, that congresspeople are now concerned. Representative Janice Hahn wrote LAUSD to contact the Partnership for Los Angeles Schools (PLAS) about safety and push-out concerns that are the legacy of Marshall Tuck's unilateral leadership style and hierarchy of administration. Tuck was also known for shutting down Ethnic Studies, Heritage Language, and Dual Language Immersion Programs.