Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pity the Poor, Underfunded Charters | Live Long and Prosper

Pity the Poor, Underfunded Charters | Live Long and Prosper:

Pity the Poor, Underfunded Charters

Last month the University of Walmart Arkansas released a report — from theirDepartment of Education Reform — that showed charter schools are underfunded.
Max Brantley at the Arkansas Blog, no friend of the Waltons, reported the following.
The Walton-subsidized University of Arkansas has issued a news release today about a report from a Walton-financed arm of the UA, the Department of Education Reform, that more money is spent on conventional public school districts than on charter schools, which the Walton heirs are spending hundreds of millions to promote in the United States, often to the detriment of existing public school districts.
He also suggested a few reasons that charter schools are not getting as much asreal public schools.
I believe there are some understandable factors that lessen the the drama about the gap, ranging from less-experienced teachers who are paid less, differences in facilities and extra money given to public school districts for such considerations as desegregation plans (money to be phased out in Little Rock, for example) and federal money for poor students.
The biggest gap is a lack of local property tax revenue for charters and state construction funding. Walton lobbyists have managed to open the door in 
Pity the Poor, Underfunded Charters | Live Long and Prosper: