Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother Crusader: Baraka Triumphs Over Wall Street Ed Reform Juggernaut

Mother Crusader: Baraka Triumphs Over Wall Street Ed Reform Juggernaut:

Baraka Triumphs Over Wall Street Ed Reform Juggernaut

Ras Baraka has won the election! The DFER/Education Reform Now money was all for naught!

And they kept pouring it in until the very last minute.

Since I last wrote about the DFER money filling the coffers of the Jeffries campaign, more reports have been filed with the Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC). 

And wow. Just wow.

Education Reform Now's total, as of May 9th, stands at over 3 MILLION DOLLARS!

And look who dropped in close to half a million, just 4 days before election day.

Michael Bloomberg.

But tonight proved that their money was unable to buy the hearts and minds of the people of Newark.
Jeffries canvassers hold up 'V' for Victory
with Ras Baraka
This is a huge victory for the people of Newark, and a massive loss for the plutocracy that tried to steal this election out from underneath them.

And this is a tremendous win for public education advocates, and they are rejoicing all over the Mother Crusader: Baraka Triumphs Over Wall Street Ed Reform Juggernaut: