Friday, May 9, 2014

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm's kiss of death?

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm's kiss of death?:

Rahm's kiss of death?

Big news today is that Rahm endorses Hillary for president (before she even announces her candidacy) and starts a pro-Clinton super PAC. Could that be the kiss of death? Everything Rahm touches seems to go south. Latest polls show his job performance disapproval ratings now at 40 percent — up from 29 percent a year before.
Compared with last year, Emanuel's negatives are up significantly among African-Americans. Now, more black voters disapprove than approve of his handling of the mayor's office. That's turned around from a year ago. Though Emanuel's approval rating among white voters is similar to last May, the number of those who disapprove also is growing.
The mayor found his last 12 months dominated by issues of increased gun violence. He has maintained a battle with unionized public school teachers over proposed school closings in a system serving a majority of minority students. Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm's kiss of death?: