Thursday, May 15, 2014

LAUSD Teacher: “I Don’t Think We Have Seen the Worst of Common Core” | Missouri Education Watchdog

LAUSD Teacher: “I Don’t Think We Have Seen the Worst of Common Core” | Missouri Education Watchdog:

LAUSD Teacher: “I Don’t Think We Have Seen the Worst of Common Core”

express checkout
This teacher is checking out of the madness called public education

A teacher tells the truth about Common Core and gives us an inside look at what Common Core really does to the teaching profession: it decimates it.  Combine Common Core with the
  • turnaround plan mandated in the four assurances
  • the effectiveness ratings and redistribution of teachers
  • the redefinition of being a “teacher” to that of a facilitator
and the smartest and brightest will flee the teaching ranks.  You don’t need smart and bright teachers when it’s all scripted on how education should be delivered.  The passion for teaching has been mandated into checklists and regulations.  Hint: your children should be leaving this situation as well.
The following teacher’s letter was received by Donna Garner with permission to share.

Hi Donna,
I’ve been following your emails regarding Common Core, and the situation certainly is not pretty. Thanks a million for all you do. Many of my liberal friends are no longer liberals. They’re being screwed, and now they know it. We teachers had a meeting with the man who is basically in charge of all school programming, and it isn’t pretty. He’s leaving since they want him to reapply for a job; but he knows his job is being cut. He will be gone. More on that in a minute –
Hopefully Common Core can be neutered. I heard that 35 states have legislation to either restrict or eliminate Common Core. WOW!
Most of our math teachers are puzzled themselves by what they have seen in CC.

Our dept. chair (who is a vocal liberal and was a proponent of CC) came back from a district-wide meeting. He said the entire CC plan was so illogical that his hands were literally shaking after the LAUSD Teacher: “I Don’t Think We Have Seen the Worst of Common Core” | Missouri Education Watchdog: