Thursday, May 1, 2014

Getting Kindergarteners “College and Career Ready" | Truth in American Education

Getting Kindergarteners “College and Career Ready" | Truth in American Education:

Getting Kindergarteners “College and Career Ready”

Filed in Common Core State Standards by  on May 1, 2014 • 0 Comments
Yvonne Gasperino from Stop Common Core in New York State shared this picture with me last week.  Harley Avenue Primary School (part of the Elwood Union Free School District) in Elwood, NY cancelled their Kindergarten Show in order to “prepare children for college and career.”  Oh brother.
The “Kindergarten Show” was a play that this school would do on an annual basis with their kindergarten students.
Gasperino pointed out:
What goes into a production like this? Children learning to work among their peers, learning and reading new material, memorizing this new material for their lines which probably includes new vocabulary words for them, artwork to go along with the production which includes tapping into the creativity of the children, learning to listen to the “director” to make the production successful, learning accountability for one’s role that they will play in this production are just few of the life’s lessons they will develop with the “hands-on learning” that comes from this play. Last but not least the memories that they will have for the remainder of their life because of this play… Shame on the school!!!
If I were a parent of Elwood Kindergartner I would seek out a venue, get a group of parents together from the classroom and put on our OWN KINDERGARTEN PLAY and invite all the children from all of the grades to support the kindergartners…along with the community… THIS IS COMPLETE NONSENSE!!!
I agree it is complete nonsense.  Kindergarteners don’t need to worry about college and careers Getting Kindergarteners “College and Career Ready" | Truth in American Education: