Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Celebrate National Charter Schools Week: Pick Your Favorite CHARTER SCHOOL SCANDAL


Release: New Report On Charter Industry Exposes $100 Million in Taxpayer Funds Meant For Children Instead Lost To Fraud, Waste & Abuse - Integrity in Education
Blog - Integrity in Education: Release: New Report On Charter Industry Exposes $100 Million in Taxpayer Funds Meant For Children Instead Lost To Fraud, Waste & AbuseFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 5, 2014CONTACT:Kyle Serrette: KSerrette@populardemocracy.org, 202-304-8027Sabrina Stevens: media@integrityineducation.org, 720-295-0238A new report released today reveals that fraudulent charter operators

Inform yourself about the Gulen movement!

1. WATCH the Gulen Movement 101: Session Onewebinar presentation (1/22/2014) 
2. READ the "Expose the Gulen Movement" report.3. LISTEN to my interview with At The Chalk Face , slide marker to 32:00 min. (5/19/2013)
4. WATCH the 60 Minutes segment "U.S. charter schools tied to powerful Turkish imam" broadcast. (5/13/2012)
5. READ my response to the 60 Minutes piece.
6. READ my guest article about Gulen charter schools published by The Washington Post.(3/27/2012)
7. WATCH my interview talking about Gulen charter schools, or my presentation at LaborFest (segment between 49:18 min. & 1:07:36 min.)
8. READ my postings labeled "Gulen movement"HERE.

As one observer tweeted, "U.S. media have focused too much on the Islamic nature of the Gulen movement. Real concern is its shady dealings and improprieties."

Please be aware that Gulenists have created a large number of anonymously-operated damage control websites. They started to appear a few months after publication of Greg Toppo's article in USA Today(August 2010).

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NOTE: I make every effort for the info on this site to be independently verifiable, so if you encounter a broken link, please let me know @perimeterprimate@yahoo.com. Thanks.

About Sharon Higgins

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Sharon Higgins writes about schools, neighborhoods, parents, society, class, education, children, crime, race, reality, and change.


"...minimal regulation and minimal oversight."

“But charters have now become a stand-in for vouchers because they accomplish the same goal of getting the government out of public education and turning public dollars over to private control with minimal regulation and minimal oversight.”
Diane Ravitch, February 18, 2011 @ 46:33.