Thursday, May 29, 2014

5-29-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Scott Walker To Fund Raise For Rob Astorino
For teachers flriting with the idea of voting for Rob Astorino, the GOP candidate for governor, as a protest against Andrew Cuomo, take note of this:Gubernatorial hopeful Rob Astorino is getting a boost from Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at a fundraiser next month, the Republican candidate’s campaign confirmed. Tickets for the June 9 event at Manhattan’s Union League Club start at $500 and run as hi

Andrew Cuomo's Tough 48 Hours Ahead
Blake Zeff lays out what is at stake for Andrew Cuomo in the next two days:This is it, folks; years of sparring, speculation and scheming in New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s battle with the left is about to come to a head. Sometime in the next 48 hours, the fiscally conservative governor will learn whether the liberal Working Families Party (WFP) will choose him — or someone else — to run on its b

The Plan To Force Charter Co-Locations
Hard to see Cuomo's forcing the city to pick up the tab for charter school rent as aimed at anything other than the eventual return of the charter co-location scheme Bloomberg operated:New York City's move to oust three charter schools from district buildings appears to carry a hefty price tag.The mayor's budget sets aside $5.4 million in the coming fiscal year to lease sites for three Success Aca

5-28-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: This News Will Make Bloomberg Very, Very SadBloomberg henchman Deputy Dan Doctoroff is still leading the charge to bring the Olympics to NYC and rectify one of Mayor Bloomberg's biggest setbacks - his failure to turn NYC into an Olympic Village.Mayor de Blasio says he's not interested, however:Mayor Bill de Blasio has ruled out any possibility that New York City will submit