Sunday, May 25, 2014

5-25-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Wait What? All Week

A reporter and a teacher highlight why we need new leadership for Connecticut

The story could be called “Hooray for one hundred thousand dollar pensions” or “How Governor Malloy pulled a fast one on the people of Connecticut.” Hartford Courant investigative reporter Jon Lender lays out the details in his story, “New Law To Restrict Excessive Judges’ Pensions Has Holes In It – Intentionally Lender writes, State legislators […] The post A reporter and a teacher highlight why

5-24-14 Wait What? All Week
Wait What?:  Wait What? All WeekUnion Leader says Pelto is anti-union?In recent weeks, one political pundit called me a “union stooge,” while the former Democratic Party Chairman, John Droney, referred to me as a “liberal ideologue.” But this morning, in a “What the _____” moment, the President of SEIU 1199NE, the great union that represents 19,000 Connecticut health care workers issued a press re