Friday, May 23, 2014

5-23-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Cuomo Caught In Lie Over Independence Party Nomination
Governor Cuomo is famous for avoiding on the record interviews and Q&A's with reporters because this is the kind of thing that can happen with a shifty politician like Sheriff Andy - they can catch him in a lie:Gov. Cuomo appears to have misled reporters Thursday when he said a decision on whether to seek the Independence Party nomination would be made “down the road.”Documents submitted by th

How To Make Governor Andrew M. Cuomo Very Unhappy This Election Day
Shelly Silver at the State Democratic Conention, making nice with and for Governor Cuomo, responded this way to a statement about how many New York teachers are not happy with the governor:“Teachers should be very happy with him,” Silver said of a group that has been protesting Cuomo.Silver's either high or full of shit - there can be no third choice here.Governor Cuomo has pushed an education ref
Cuomo's Common Core Panel May Skip Writing A Final Report
When Governor Cuomo first announced his Common Core panel, many of us thought it was a jive move to make it look like he was doing something about all the parent and educator complaints about Common Core and the state's education reform agenda while really doing nothing at all about themThis news seems to confirm just that:ALBANY—I.B.M. executive Stanley Litow, who chaired Governor Andrew Cuomo's
5-22-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cuomo Puts A Criminal In Charge Of The State Democratic PartyFrom State of Politics:Former Gov. David Paterson on Wednesday was formally installed by the state Democratic Committee as its next chairman, assuming the post from Harlem Assemblyman Keith Wright. Paterson, addressing the delegates on the first day of the Democratic convention here in Melville, naturally opened wi