Friday, May 2, 2014

5-2-14 The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

Why sexual assault cases on campus are often investigated by school, not police
The new focus on sexual violence on campus  has prompted many people to wonder why local police don’t investigate all such assault allegations, given that such behavior is criminal. The White House this week released a list of 55 colleges and universities with open “sexual violence investigations” as the Obama administration puts a new focus on […]

Is Obama’s Education Department overreaching in higher ed?
The U.S. Education Department recently announced that it was reviving a plan to regulate colleges of education by using millions in federal funds to reward those that achieve specific targets and forcing those that don’t to change or close. Federal financial aid to students who go into teacher prep programs would not be based entirely on […]

6 reasons to reject Common Core K-3 standards — and 6 rules to guide policy
The Common Core State Standards for students in kindergarten through Grade 3 have come under severe criticism by early childhood education experts who say that they are not developmentally appropriate. Even some supporters of the Core initiative, including American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, have called for a revamping of these early education standards. […]

5-1-14 The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: Is the $1 trillion student loan debt really a crisis?When you read about the more than $1 trillion student loan debt in the United States, the word “crisis” invariably appears. But is it? Donald E. Heller, dean of the College of Education at Michigan State University, offers a different view of the common media portrayal of the issue. By Donald Heller For the last […]by Valerie S