Sunday, May 18, 2014

5-18-14 The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

Peyton Manning tosses footballs to U-Va. graduates at commencement
Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning gave the commencement speech at the University of Virginia this weekend, and not only did he dispense advice to the graduating seniors, but he also threw a few footballs to them. You can see him throw passes starting at 2:54 into the video. Manning’s wife, Ashley, graduated from the university’s McIntire […]
Arne Duncan’s reaction to new research slamming teacher evaluation method he favors
Education Secretary Arne Duncan has been a proponent of using students’ scores on standardized tests to evaluate teachers, even as a growing mountain of evidence has shown that the method now used in most states, known as “value-added measures,” is not reliable. With two recent reports released on VAM adding to warnings long given by […]
The famous Steve Jobs commencement speech: ‘Stay hungry. Stay foolish.’
During commencement season, it’s fun to look back at some of the great speeches. If you are interested in reading what I have declared to be the greatest commencement speech ever, click here. And below is one of the most famous, the address delivered by Steve Jobs at Stanford University on June 12, 2005. The video above […]
All Week @ The Answer Sheet 5-17-14
The Answer Sheet:All Week @ The Answer SheetHow to help students of color, 60 years after historic Brown v. Board rulingOn May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court  ruled that state laws establishing separate schools for black and white students were unconstitutional in the historic case Brown vs. Board of Education. I’ve published a few pieces on the legacy of the decision, here and here. Following i