Saturday, May 17, 2014

5-17-14 Wait What? All Week

Wait What?:

  Wait What? All Week

Connecticut may not have a governor who supports fair and adequate funding of our public schools, but at least we have a State Supreme Court that is willing to step  up and ensure Connecticut’s children get the quality education that they need and deserve. The citizens of Rhode Island are not so fortunate. Here in […] The post Hey at least we’re not Rhode Island… appeared first on Wait What?.
Kneecapped’ Malloy Has Only Himself to Blame
Last night, Democratic Party leaders and delegates met to re-nominate Dannel “Dan” Malloy to run for a second term as Connecticut’s Governor. Having won by 6,400 out of more than 1.1 million votes cast four years ago, the most recent public opinion poll indicates that only 44 percent of Connecticut voters think Malloy deserves to […] The post Kneecapped’ Malloy Has Only Himself to Blame appeared f


Stunning Report Rejects School Closures, Charters, and Paternalism of School Reformers
Where is Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy, Commissioner Stefan Pryor and their corporate education reform allies taking Connecticut?  The following article pulls the curtain aside so we can see. Fellow pro-public education blogger Jan Resseger highlights the findings of a new report released by Journey for Justice, a national coalition dedicated to pushing back the corporate […] The post Stunning Repo

MAY 15

Teacher Evaluations At The Heart Of Education Reform Are Flawed (By Jonathan Kantrowitz)
Jonathan Kantrowitz writes a blog for the Connecticut Post and the Hearst Media Group.  You can count on his articles to be astute, thoughtful and extremely informative.  If you haven’t bookmarked his blog, you should. Kantrowitz’s latest piece examines the significant problems associated with the faulty teacher evaluation programs that are being pushed by the corporate […] The post Teacher Evalua
Child abuse in the form of Common Core Testing
Driving to the meeting with a group of teachers, I couldn’t help but notice that the back roads of Connecticut are particularly beautiful this time of year. The story that these elementary teachers told darkened the return trip. Last week, in an elementary school not far from where you live, the school day started with […] The post Child abuse in the form of Common Core Testing appeared first on W
Additional media coverage of potential gubernatorial candidacy
Here are links to some of the latest news article and news segments about my potential candidate for governor. CT News junkie: Malloy Tries to Look Past Possible Third Party Challenger FOX CT News: Former Democrat Pelto May Run As Third Party Candidate For Governor NBC Connecticut News: Possible Third Party Candidate News 8 WTNH: […] The post Additional media coverage of potential gubernatorial ca

MAY 14

Pelto Could Upend Gubernatorial Race As 3rd-Party Candidate
The Hartford Courant has a major story on my potential run for governor. The story, written by Jon Lender and Daniela Altimari, reports; Former Rep. Jonathan Pelto, once a Democratic insider but now a vocal critic of Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, said Tuesday he plans to form an exploratory campaign committee for a possible third-party […] The post Pelto Could Upend Gubernatorial Race As 3rd-Party Candid

MAY 13

6 more reasons why Connecticut should reject the Common Core K-3 standards
Connecticut needs to repeal Governor Malloy’s education reform legislation, halt the implementation of the Common Core and develop more appropriate policies for Connecticut’s students, teachers and public schools. The following is another clear and concise explanation of why the Common Core Standards are wrong for Connecticut. We can and must do better… Defending the Early […] The post 6 more reas

MAY 12

Meanwhile in Bridgeport…  More state funds to Moales’ Kingdom Little Ones in Christ Inc.
Late last week, two new articles about Reverend Kenneth Moales Jr, were posted here on Wait, What? Moales is the controversial Bridgeport political figure who serves as Mayor Bill Finch’s campaign treasurer, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy’s cheerleader and was the titular head of the Paul Vallas “fan club.”  Moales was appointed by the Malloy administration […] The post Meanwhile in Bridgeport…  Mor
Monday Morning, May 12, 2014 and the question is…
Prospective candidates face a series of decisions. Under state law, you can’t solicit or expend funds unless you have set up an exploratory committee or a candidate committee. An exploratory committee is a committee formed by a candidate who has not yet decided whether or not to seek a particular public office, so that he […] The post Monday Morning, May 12, 2014 and the question is… appeared firs

MAY 11

On mythical state revenue and a Pelto candidacy for Governor
In a column entitled, Malloy Finds Revenue in Land of Pretend, Hartford Courant columnist Kevin Rennie explores the “make believe” budget that passed the Connecticut General Assembly last week and the potential impact my possible candidacy for governor. Kevin Rennie, a lawyer and a former Republican state legislator, is one of the most read and […] The post On mythical state revenue and a Pelto ca

MAY 10

And the scandal surrounding Moales, Finch, Vallas, Pryor and Malloy grows.
After reviewing the facts, it is clearly time for a truly independent investigation into the Moales daycare center operation… Here are the facts; We know that Reverend Kenneth Moales Jr. is Governor Malloy’s loudest supporter in Bridgeport. We know that Reverent Kenneth Moales Jr. is Mayor Bill Finch’s campaign treasurer. We know that Reverend Kenneth […] The post And the scandal surrounding Moale
Latest Quinnipiac poll is disastrous news for Malloy
The latest Quinnipiac public opinion poll made its appearance yesterday (May 9, 2014).  While the headline focused on the fact that, “Gov. Malloy remains deadlocked 43-43 percent in a reelection battle with Republican challenger Tom Foley,” the poll actually contained increasingly grim news for Malloy as he tries to pursue his aspiration of being reelected […] The post Latest Quinnipiac poll is di