Wednesday, May 14, 2014

5-14-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Study Should Spark New Lawsuits Against Teacher Eval Based on VAM

From the summary at Brookings:The federal government has spurred the creation of a new generation of teacher evaluation systems at the state level through more than $4 billion in Race to the Top funding to 19 states and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) accountability waivers to 43 states. A majority of states have passed laws requiring the adoption of teacher evaluation systems that incorporate student

5-13-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Responding to Joanne Jacobs on Her KIPP "Character" DefenseJoanne Jacobs applies her own distinct brand of mild mommish corporate apologia to defend against the insightful essay last week by Jeff Snyder on KIPP's "value-free" character indoctrination program developed by Dr. Martin Seligman and Dave Levin.  In fact, Joanne would be entirely on board if Dave and