Monday, April 28, 2014

The Maiming of a Teacher's Career in

The Maiming of a Teacher's Career in Queens

This is from the files of you can't make this sh** up.

The following anectodals are from a teacher at MS 72, District 28 in Queens. The principal is
Omotayo Cineus, late of the (Yep! You guessed it! the Leadership Academy).

The Crack Team received these anectodals this afternoon and immediately were repulsed at what this teacher at MS 72 has endured over the years. The lack of support and day in and day out harassment is more than anyone can endure.

We decided to only change the names of both students and staff but decided not to redact any of the foul language used. We here at SBSB felt that if we redacted the language the impact would lessen. We want our readers to be as shocked an appalled as we are.

October 30, 2013 - Mary Tyler Moore had been taunting and mocking me since the beginning of the period. She was upset and informing me that I was “on her last nerve” because I had changed her seat upon her return from an in-house suspension.  She refused to take her new seat.  I decided to continue teaching and call her mom later in the day.  She taunted me constantly with threats like, “I’m gonna kick your white ass”, and “Damn racist teacher startin’ shit”. She got up and went to the front of the room and ranted, “School can’t do nothin”. I can do whatever I want to this damn bitch and school can’t do SHIT! I’ma KID and I’m goin’ to another school so I am DONE with this bitch and her white ass!”