Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Answer Sheet 4-3-14

The Answer Sheet:

Web site of anti-testing group is hacked
Why would anyone do this? The web site of United Opt  Out National, a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to eliminating the use of high-stakes standardized tests, has been hacked. The site posted this message:   United Opt Out The Movement to end Corporate Education Reform Our site has been maliciously hacked and destroyed in […]    

The Answer Sheet 4-2-14
The Answer Sheet: Why the SAT drives us N.U.T.S.What is it about the SAT that drives people nuts?  Ned Johnson explains. Johnson is president and self-described tutor geek at Prep Matters, a tutoring and test prep company with offices in Bethesda, Md., McLean, Va., and Washington D.C. By Ned Johnson Did you ever feel a bit of stress when you took the SAT […]    by Valerie Strauss / 51min hide  //