Tuesday, April 15, 2014

SIG rewrite to come in 2015, guidance pending :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet

SIG rewrite to come in 2015, guidance pending :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet:

SIG rewrite to come in 2015, guidance pending

SIG rewrite to come in 2015, guidance pending

(District of Columbia) Although big changes are coming to the nation’s largest school turnaround program, existing regulations still govern the use of some $500 million in School Improvement Grants awarded this year – including the $64 million given to California and Alabama on Monday.
As part of the budget agreement reached in December between President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders, the administration agreed to expand the list of improvement models to include one that states could design and implement.
While U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan would still have to approve the state-sponsored improvement plan, expectations are that most will prove to be less rigorous than the existing intervention programs that have been criticized as being too aggressive and rigid.
For now, however, the old system remains in place.
The December budget accord covers the federal 2014 fiscal year, which begins in October. Thus, the new SIG rules won’t be in play until early 2015, when the new money is also expected to be distributed.
Since the announcement of the budget agreement and the changes to the SIG program, states and local educational agencies have anticipated new guidance from the U.S. Department of Education explaining how things will work.
Among other issues, there is much uncertainty over how schools already engaged in one of the existing turnaround strategies might be integrated into a new state-developed option.
Federal officials said earlier this month that they are working on the new guidance but have SIG rewrite to come in 2015, guidance pending :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet:
Calculating comparable, compliant allocations for private schools
Private schools that educate students from within your district boundaries are entitled to services provided under Title II and III in addition to Title I, Part A. Today’s guidance is aimed at helping you make sure you are providing compliant equitable services.