Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Public School Supporters: Attack via Restraining Order for Freedom of Information Request? | Reclaim Reform

Public School Supporters: Attack via Restraining Order for Freedom of Information Request? | Reclaim Reform:

Public School Supporters: Attack via Restraining Order for Freedom of Information Request?

Here is a stark and scary reminder of just how the corporate education reform industry’s tentacles reach into the public policy making process. In this case, a senior official with the charter school advocacy group ConnCAN corresponding – on a state account – with the Governor’s Director of Communications about a potential restraining order to stop Freedom of Information requests that are producing “negative press” for the corporate education reform industry.
[Background Info: Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy (D), Illinois candidate for Lieutenant Governor Paul Vallas, and Illinois Governor Pat Quinn (D) who personally chose Vallas are serving the same financial interests of the financiers of Tea Party extremist governors who are selling-out public schools and our children. Read more HERE. -KP]
Malloy administration considered “restraining order” to stop FOI requests?
In what may be the single most bizarre development yet in the Malloy administration’s war on teachers and public education and their ongoing commitment to secrecy, a recent Freedom of Information request has produced an email between Governor Malloy’s Director of Communications and a senior official from ConnCAN, the charter school advocacy group, in which they discuss what appears to be the Malloy’s administration’s effort to get a restraining order to prevent FOI requests about Malloy’s education reform efforts.
In the email to Governor Malloy’s Director of Communications, ConnCAN’s Jordan Public School Supporters: Attack via Restraining Order for Freedom of Information Request? | Reclaim Reform: