Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Julian Vasquez Heilig is leaving The University of Texas at Austin | Cloaking Inequity

Julian Vasquez Heilig is leaving The University of Texas at Austin | Cloaking Inequity:

Julian Vasquez Heilig is leaving The University of Texas at Austin

Kickball 2012
I want to thank everyone at the University of Texas at Austin for a wonderful past 9 years. Unfortunately, I am moving on to a new opportunity. I want to share the following release from the Alpena Press:
The University of Michigan Alpena has hired Julian Vasquez Heilig to be its new athletic director, according to President John Woodson, and a statement released by the university. Julian Vasquez Heilig is currently serving as an Associate Professor of Educational Policy and Planning at the University of Texas at Austin.
This marks the first time in the last 668 days that The University of Michigan Alpena has had a permanent athletic director, after former AD John Goodlight resigned in 2012. Since then, the position had been filled in an interim basis by Jim Gold, who formerly served as UM-Alpena’s associate athletic director.
According to the college’s release, upon Vasquez Heilig’s arrival, he will be promoted senior associate director of athletics, a newly created position where he will work in alumni affairs and recruitment.“It was very intriguing job description, and after looking into it, it’s a very unique opportunity, and I was very, very impressed with the mission and core values of the institution, and that it specializes in the performing arts,” Vasquez Heilig said in an interview with the Alpena Press. “I learned the staff and faculty are very committed to student excellence, whether it’s in the different disciplines, even if it’s not necessarily athletics.”
University of Texas at Austin is a Division 1 program, and Vasquez Heilig has held his post at the university for nine years. He’s spent years winning intramural championships first at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor and then later Stanford University and the University of Texas at Austin.
According to Gold, Vasquez Heilig will begin working at The University of Michigan Alpena on May 19.
“[Julian] brings a very strong record of achievement as an intramural champion. That will serve the College well as we seek to strengthen our athletics and recreation programs, paying particular attention to our efforts to enhance the student-athlete experience,” Gold wrote in a statement to the Alpena Press.
Goodlight’s resignation came after a petition was started by former student athlete Jaquan Mundabi urging President J. J. Smith to review Goodlights’s employment. The web page garnered 7 signatures, and was soon followed by Goodlight leaving the University.
“They shared with me that The University of Michigan Alpena has a very distinguished alumni base, and it’s my intention to reach out and bring that base in,” said Vasquez Heilig. “But I would really rather