Monday, April 21, 2014

Five Louisiana “Educators” Want Common Core | deutsch29

Five Louisiana “Educators” Want Common Core | deutsch29:

Five Louisiana “Educators” Want Common Core

April 21, 2014

On April 21, 2014, the Baton Rouge Advocate ran an article by Will Sentell entitled, Educators Renew Support for Common Core and Its Tests.
The first line of the article is comical:
Five educators said Monday morning that they will urge state House and Senate members to support the Common Core academic standards and the controversial tests that go with them. [Emphasis added.]
Since when is this news?
Ahh, but we are in “Stay the Course” mode (read about it in this post and this post).
So, we have a supposed “news” article centered upon five individuals who want the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and its associated test constructed by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).
Five “educators.”
That reminds me of the “three Louisiana teachers” who “developed” CCSS.
The Louisiana Federation of Teachers (LFT) is comprised of almost 21,000 teachers. The entire state employs approximately 49,000 teachers.
Five Louisiana “educators” want CCSS and PARCC.
In his article, Sentell quotes one superintendent, one teacher, one CCSS/PARCC “specialist”– and State Superintendent John White and his State Board of Elementary Five Louisiana “Educators” Want Common Core | deutsch29: