Monday, April 7, 2014

Conspiracy Theories: Who Hacked the United Opt Out National Website

 Conspiracy Theories: Who Hacked the  United Opt Out National Website

Just a heads up - our website has been destroyed by hackers. If you are able to view the United Opt Out National website, you are currently viewing a cached site/ghost site. It could disappear at any moment - we don't know how long that will last. We will try to get the 50 state guides uploaded to this FB group over the next few days. And we will rebuild the website - however, this will take some time. We are currently retrieving all of our documents and we will have to rebuild manually. In the meantime, if folks cannot access the website, please send them here. All guides have been uploaded to our file section here on this FB page! Thank you.

Students Parents Teachers?

Not likely, Most Students, Parents and Teachers Hate the Test!

Rupert Murdoch?

Rupert Murdoch Wins Contract to Develop Common Core Tests?

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?

Privacy concerns grow over Gates-funded student database

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee?

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee still doesn’t get it

Arne Duncan?

We will probably never know WHO hacked the  United Opt Out National Website but conspiracy theories are sometimes FUNNY!