Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Common Core Critics Are Not Just Saying No | Truth in American Education

Common Core Critics Are Not Just Saying No | Truth in American Education:

Common Core Critics Are Not Just Saying No

Filed in Common Core State Standards by  on April 15, 2014 • 0 Comments
Hess & McShane?
Frederick M. Hess & Michael McShane wrote an an article for National Review yesterday.  They contend that we must develop our own state-level versions of “repeal and replace.”
Duh.  Thanks for stating the obvious.  We’ve got a regular Sherlock and Dr. Watson duo here.
It’s quite apparent the esteemed gentlemen from American Enterprise Institute have not been paying attention to Common Core critics and the state-level battles.  We have advocated higher standards.  We have offered alternatives.  We have pointed to superior state standards like what California and Massachusetts had before the Common Core.
They bring up the mess in Indiana, I agree it is a mess, and is one created out of a desire to kiss