Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Attention School Board Members. Have you Budgeted in Legal Expenses for Data Privacy Protections? | Missouri Education Watchdog

Attention School Board Members. Have you Budgeted in Legal Expenses for Data Privacy Protections? | Missouri Education Watchdog:

Attention School Board Members. Have you Budgeted in Legal Expenses for Data Privacy Protections?

Will lawyers be the most expensive line item on school district budgets because of Common Core data gathering and privacy concerns?
The National School Board Association (a private organization) has released a guide for local school boards to deal with data gathering and privacy issues the local boards have thrust upon them as part of the four assurances contained in the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund:
The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program is a new one-time appropriation of $53.6 billion under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Of the amount appropriated, the U. S. Department of Education will award governors approximately $48.6 billion by formula under the SFSF program in exchange for a commitment to advance essential education reforms to benefit students from early learning through post-secondary education, including: college- and career- ready standards and high-quality, valid and reliable assessments for all students;development and use of pre-K through post-secondary and career data systems; increasing teacher effectiveness and ensuring an equitable distribution of qualified teachers; and turning around the lowest-performing schools.
Here’s what the NSBA press release says about the local school board responsibilities in having to guard private student data:
Posted: 28 Apr 2014 02:00 PM PDT

As school districts increasingly move to cloud computing instead of on-site data storage, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) and its Council of School Attorneys Attention School Board Members. Have you Budgeted in Legal Expenses for Data Privacy Protections? | Missouri Education Watchdog: