Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4-29-14 @ THE CHALK FACE


So, @theNation questions the “whiteness” of the Left, and…
… and brings up the recent Network for Public Education conference in Austin, TX, many of whom in attendance I know and I consider friends. The lede: At a panel titled “Grassroots Organizing” at the Network for Public Education conference in Austin in March, an audience member asked the all-white panel for its definition of […]

The Table of Contents to My Book
On April 27, 2014, I announced publication of my book, A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who in the Implosion of American Public Education. I realize that the Amazon.com listing of my book currently lacks the interactive component allowing shoppers the opportunity to “look inside” the book. So, I have decided to offer some “peeks.” In my post entitled, Bush […]

NYSED, @EngageNY, and the Module Money Pit.
As part of its rushed implementation of the Common Core, the New York State Education department contracted with three entities to create scripted module lessons for schools across the Empire State at a cost of $12.9 million.  Some schools trusted their educators to create their own lessons that would best suit their classrooms.  Other schools, possibly out of […]

Where Is Outrage for Systemic Racism?
Where Is Outrage for Systemic Racism?. via Where Is Outrage for Systemic Racism?.

Joanne Barkan’s Three Types of Criticism of Edu-Philanthropy
Diane Ravitch recently praised Joanne Barkan’s “How to Criticize ‘Big Philanthropy’ Effectively.” Barkan’s excellent analysis was first presented at the March 2014 Network for Public Education (NEP) Conference in Austin, Texas. It is now published in Dissent Magazine. Barkan began with the oft-repeated question, “You’re going after Bill Gates?” She frequently hears the argument, “Leave […]

All Week 4-28-14 @ THE CHALK FACE
@ THE CHALK FACE: Humanities and LSAT reflect Critical Thinking versus Core Knowledge debate“In short, the real literacy crisis occurs whenever we deploy a pedagogy that asks our students only to consume texts and not to produce them as well.” — Richard E. Miller The ABA Journal recently posted a piece entitled “Students with these college majors had the highest LSAT scores” that discusses the fin