Wednesday, April 9, 2014

4-9-13 Curmudgucation Week


Strangers in Mathland
If you are none-math person, here's your quick partial explanation of why math under the Common Core is so hinky. I'm an English teacher, so I've rather stayed away from the math side of the Common Core Standards. But I can't help noticing that if you are of a certain age (say, mine) some of it seems vaguely familiar. Let me give you a hint...(Note: Tom Lehrer is, as the young folks say, the bomb.

Common Corer? I Don't Even Know Her!

With his House appropriations subcommittee testimony Tuesday, Arne Duncan remains the highest profile reformy booster to wipe the Common Core lipstick off his face and stammer, "But, honey, I barely even know the woman!"It's not the first time for Arne-- it hasn't even been a month since he watched Indiana dump the Core and said, "Yeah, well, fine. They can do that if they want to.&
4-8-13 Curmudgucation Week
CURMUDGUCATION: Why "Reformy"?Part of a series of posts for folks who are just beginning to find there way through the current debates on education. My blog dedicated to that audience is Reclaiming Pubic Education 101.As one wades out into the sea of education blogging, one repeatedly encounters the term "reformy" or "reformy stuff." There's a short explanation, but i