Monday, April 7, 2014

4-7-13 Curmudgucation Week


Just How Federal Are the Core Standards?
It has become a matter of conventional wisdom that the Common Core State Standards are a federal program in everything but name, even as the Arne Duncan and the administration keep making mouth noises about how it's totally not federal at all. Because that would be politically inexpedient. Also, it would be illegal.The definitive Duncan statement on strategy and tactics of CCSS dispersal is still

What the Hell Happened in Kansas?

Late last night, the Kansas legislature stripped Kansas teachers of all major job protections.I suppose you could claim that it wasn't all bad; Kansas ultimately decided NOT to pay parents to home school. But all in all, it was still pretty bad.It was a textbook example of how politics works these days (and also how it is covered; in Pennsylvania I followed the story in real time on twitter).On Sa

4-6-13 Curmudgucation Week
CURMUDGUCATION: Six Heads of the Reformy HydraPublic education really does have many enemies these days, and while it may sometimes seem like they are a large amorphous mass, there are distinctions to be made. These six groups have come together in a perfect storm to bring us to the mess that is our current high stakes test driven corporate agenda status quo. To defend ourselves, it's best to see