Friday, April 4, 2014

4-4-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:


David Sirota. Chicago’s pension theft and Rahm’s slush.
Chicago slush. - David Sirota Chicago is the iconic example of all of these trends. A new report being released this morning shows that the supposedly budget-strapped Windy City – which for years has not made its full pension payments – actually has mountains of cash sitting in a slush fund controlled by Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Indeed, as the report documents, the slush fund now receives more money e
Straight out of Brooklyn. Like I never left Chicago.
Flying from O’Hare to La Guardia was easy. We left on time and arrived 25 minutes early. And half the seats were empty. Easy if you don’t count the massive turbulence for most of the flight. The flight assistant handed me my little styrofoam cup coffee with care. “Anything to eat?” It was Delta. So I asked for those tasty Biscoff cookies. “As many as you can spare.” She came back with an armful a

Rahm’s pension theft. Republicans run. Quinn hides. SEIU splits with CTU and We Aren One.
The State Senate went home yesterday. Madigan tried a rewrite of Rahm’s pension theft. The Republicans weren’t buying it. Meanwhile Squeezy went all amnesia, saying he didn’t know anything about the bill. And SEIU local 73 continued sellout of pension rights and their split from the position of the We Are One Coalition of city public employe unions. They raised the stakes with some sharp words di
Beverly Johns. Rewarding schools for not identifying students with special needs.
- Beverly Holden Johns is an Illinois special education advocate and activist. Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 16 would eliminate the $9,000 Illinois pays for each special ed teacher, and instead fund Illinois special ed with a flat block grant no matter how few or how many students a local school district identifies as needing special education. This would punish some school districts appropriately se
4-3-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: The value of the Jay Travis run and who gets to sit next to Christine Boardman at the next WAO lunch meeting.Jay Travis. We wil see today if Michael Madigan twisted enough arms, as a Springfield observer said to me yesterday, to give Rahm his pension theft. If it did we will see another court battle.