Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4-29-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Malloy administration considered “restraining order” to stop FOI requests?

In what may be the single most bizarre development yet in the Malloy administration’s war on teachers and public education and their ongoing commitment to secrecy, a recent Freedom of Information request has produced an email between Governor Malloy’s Director of Communications and a senior official from ConnCAN, the charter school advocacy group, in which […] The post Malloy administration consid
4-28-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Budget Gimmicks and Declining Revenue catch up to MalloyAs the CT Mirror is reporting, Governor Malloy’s extraordinary budget gimmicks and Connecticut’s lagging economy has caught up with the politician’s wild re-election promises. The CT Mirror’s Keith Phaneuf reports, “Citing declining state revenue projections, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy gave up Monday on two of his biggest re-election y