Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4-29-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida

Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education:

Bush Ally Condemns High-Stakes Testing to Justify Different Tests for Florida Vouchers

The James Madison Institute, long a reliable parrot for any Jeb Bush education initiative, has trotted out one of its scholars to defend Florida’s voucher program. And resident fellow, William Mattox, comes up with the most convoluted arguments to date. Combined with another tortured “tax credits are private money” argument that doesn’t sway anyone, Mattox provides the a bizzare reason  to justify

4-28-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida ALL Week
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: Influential National Hispanic Civil Rights Organization Opposed to Voucher ExpansionThe League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) are emphasizing their opposition to school vouchers in their education platform: LULAC strongly opposes vouchers and any other funding