Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4-29-14 Ed Notes Online: LA Dreamin: Alex Caputo-Pearl Wins Run-Off for Presidency with 80% Over Incumbent Warren Fletcher

Ed Notes Online: LA Dreamin: Alex Caputo-Pearl Wins Run-Off for Presidency with 80% Over Incumbent Warren Fletcher:

LA Dreamin: Alex Caputo-Pearl Wins Run-Off for Presidency with 80% Over Incumbent Warren Fletcher

Breaking: Alex Caputo-Pearl, the Union Power candidate for UTLA President, just defeated Warren Fletcher, the incumbent UTLA President, in the run-off election, winning 80% of the vote, completing a Union Power sweep. Alex won just short of 50% in round 1.Alex is well-known nationally:...half the teachers at Crenshaw High School in Los Angeles found out they had been dismissed from their jobs as p

4-26-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Ed Notes OnlineParent Activists Expose Chalkbeat Bias in Letter to EditorWe are concerned that your inadequate and one-sided coverage of the forced privatization of our schools has been unduly influenced by the same forces that have biased the Governor – the huge pocketbooks of the organizations and financiers that back them.  ...Is Chalkbeat a wholly owned subsidiary of Walmart?C