Monday, April 28, 2014

4-28-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

stink tank

I’ll be going to the NEA Representative Assembly as a Retired Delegate from Illinois.
Well, I certainly didn’t get elected in a state-wide election for NEA RA retired delegate because of my good looks. I ran as a critic of current union policies and practices. And I ran as a die-hard supporter of teacher unions and the labor movement. I ran as a proponent of greater union democracy. I ran as an advocate and activist for our pensions. I ran a an opponent of corporate school reform.

NEA staff joins cafeteria workers’ picket line at DC NEA headquarters.
- report/photo by Chris Garlock “If I had a little bit more money I could pay the bills and save some for my boys,” said Jessica Reyes. “I want them to go to college and not have to work a job like mine.” Reyes works in the cafeteria at the National Education Association’s headquarters on 16th Street, which is operated by Culinary Seasons. Culinary was the target of a noontime picket yesterday by
We’re closing your school, but dress appropriately.
Today I received this from a CPS teacher: “With everything going on in CPS, THIS is the first interoffice memo I’ve been forwarded directly from the CEO in all my years teaching. There are so many reasons why teachers might not dress in her definition of “professional attire,” from crawling on the floor with pre-schoolers to trying to be more approachable and less intimidating during parent confer

Online testing and the babel generator.
Photo: M. Scott Brauer for The Chronicle. Les Perelman (left), with the help of students at MIT and Harvard, created the Babel Generator, a software program that generates meaningless essays to test the mettle of machine graders. Les Perelman is an old high school chum and presently retired as director of graduate writing at MIT. He is a long-time critic of the use and misuse of standardized test

Ten minute drawing. Whites only.

I admit that I am flexible about this journalism thing. I’m not a journalist. I’m a retired K-5 art teacher who writes a blog. And I am an activist around a bunch of issues. That doesn’t mean I don’t try to be honest and accurate. But unlike most of who make questionable claims to being journalists – I don’t make such a claim Last year, the first in two decades that I wasn’t elected as a delegate

4-27-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Sunday reads.  The Clipper’s Donald Sterling joins with Supreme Court majority. He’s caught on TMZ audio tape saying, “Don’t let Black students into state universities. No more of that f—– affirmative action.” Gordon Lafer on Miwaukee’s Rocketship Charter scam. Koch brothers and others influence judge