Wednesday, April 2, 2014

4-2-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida

Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education:

Step Up For Student’s Desperate Spin to Save Florida Voucher Expansion

One would think that an entity which assumed to be the primary steward of almost $1 billion dollars in money belonging to Florida taxpayers would have their numbers straight. Whatever number families on a voucher waiting list that Step Up for Students finally settles upon will have as much credibility as does the Obama administrations claim to have 7.1 million enrollees in those new Affordable Car
4-1-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: Florida Voucher Bill “Like a Zombie That Won’t Die”From Palm Beach Post writer Frank Cerabino: And by the time the program seeps into the middle class, it will be too late to stop. Florida’s expansion of public funding of private schools will have a significant “domino e