Thursday, April 10, 2014

4-10-14 The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

What does Jeb Bush call public schools? (Hint: not ‘public schools’)
Jeb Bush, as much as anybody, is the pioneer of  corporate-influenced school reform. When he was governor of Florida from 1999-2007, he introduced many of the changes in education policy that have become common across the country — including high-stakes standardized testing —  and since then he has been a leading voice in spreading his […]
The problem with evidence-based education policy: the evidence
Education policy-makers like to talk about “evidence-based” this and “evidence-based” that — but there are big questions about just how good the “evidence” actually is — and whether the people who are making big decisions in the world of education actually look at the research that we do know is solid. Looking at this issue […]
4-9-14 The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: It just keeps getting worseJust when you think this story can’t get any more awful, it does. Andrea Rediske’s effort to help families of children with severe disabilities has taken yet another frustrating turn. I’ve written several posts about Rediske’s long struggle with the Florida Department of Education over a requirement that her blind and severely brain-damaged son, Ethan,