Tuesday, April 1, 2014

4-1-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Malloy administration lines up votes to re-endorse the Common Core
Sometimes it is hard to know what to say… Maybe Dannel “Dan” Malloy is simply on a mission to alienate as many parents, teachers and public school advocates as possible before he faces the electorate this coming November. Or maybe the pay-off in campaign contributions is so great that it is worth selling ones soul […] The post Malloy administration lines up votes to re-endorse the Common Core appe

Friends in high places = lots of money!
Listen carefully and you may hear that sound of charter school management company executives rubbing their hands together in anticipation of tomorrow’s Connecticut State Board of Education meeting. With this year’s gubernatorial election six months away, some might think Governor Malloy would back off  his corporate education reform industry agenda in an effort to convince […] The post Friends in

Bronx charter school company sees goldmine in Connecticut
When the State Board of Education meets tomorrow to approve Commissioner Stefan Pryor’s plan to open new charter schools in Connecticut one of the most incredible proposals is the one submitted by the Bronx Charter School for Excellence. About a week ago, fellow pro-public education advocate columnist Wendy Lecker laid out the facts about Bronx Charter School […] The post Bronx charter school comp
3-31-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Will State Board of Education over look conflicts of interest to approve more charter schoolsWhile Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy’s budget fails to properly fund public schools in Connecticut it does provide for an increase in the number of privately run charter schools. This Wednesday, April 2, 2014, the Connecticut State Board of Education will meet to consider applications for new cha