Tuesday, March 25, 2014

World Classy | EduShyster

World Classy | EduShyster:

World Classy

Is there anything Massachusetts can do to STEM the rising tide of mediocrity?
stemcellOnce upon a time there was a little state with big dreams. We’ll call her Massachusetts as that is her name and, since 1993, she has been thestandard bearer for educational standards. But the times they were a changing and the Massachusetts way of lifting all educational boats by making the school funding sea more equitable no longer seemed cool. Meanwhile a rising tide of mediocrity threatened her shores, a peril not covered by flood insurance. Fortunately a solution awaited on the other side of the pond: a raft of bold ideas for unleashing excellence. 
After a months long journey, The New Opportunity to Lead, a report commissioned by the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education and authored by none other than Sir