Friday, March 28, 2014

UPDATE: Wanted: More public school heroes | Bob Braun's Ledger

Wanted: More public school heroes | Bob Braun's Ledger:

BULLETIN: Back to court on school aid
The Education Law Center (ELC) has gone back to the state Supreme Court in an effort to force Gov.  Chris Christie to obey the school funding law. The ELC released this statement earlier this morning: In papers filed yesterday, Education Law Center has asked the NJ Supreme Court to step in and address Governor Christie’s […]

Wanted: More public school heroes


Deborah Gregory Smith opens rally yesterday in Trenton with Mildred Crump, the president of the Newark City Council.
Deborah Gregory Smith opens rally yesterday in Trenton with Mildred Crump, the president of the Newark City Council.

It was all there yesterday in Trenton. Frustration with  20 years of failed state education policy. The invigorating idealism of young people who haven’t yet learned to accept the lies of dissembling politicians. The justified anger at the disrespect behind Chris Christie’s attitude toward  Newark,  Paterson, Jersey City, and Camden—the idea that, because he believes black and brown men and women cannot be trusted, aren’t smart enough,  to govern themselves and their schools, Christie will have to let his rich white friends do it.
“We have brought to Trenton, to the Legislature, the voices of many who are not often heard here,’’ said Deborah Gregory Smith, the head of the Newark NAACP, who coordinated the two-hour rally on the steps of the Statehouse. “But we need more people here—and we will be back.’’

Kristin Towkaniuk, president of the Newark Student Union: "We pledge to love and protect each other."
Kristin Towkaniuk, president of the Newark Student Union: “We pledge to love and protect each other.”

The public schools need more heroes. Fewer equivocators.
More who recognize the rigged system that strips public schools of resources, favors the privatized schools with construction funds, enrolls (and keeps)  only the best students in charters, then declares neighborhood schools failures and closes Wanted: More public school heroes | Bob Braun's Ledger: