Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Videos: Voucher groups admitting to squeezing Democrats and using low-income children as the “face” of program for political purposes | The Florida Squeeze

Videos: Voucher groups admitting to squeezing Democrats and using low-income children as the “face” of program for political purposes | The Florida Squeeze:

Videos: Voucher groups admitting to squeezing Democrats and using low-income children as the “face” of program for political purposes

  MARCH 18, 2014  4 COMMENTS

HB 7099, the largest potential expansion to date of school vouchers in Florida will pass the House Choice and Innovation Committee today (aka the voucher committee).
The Florida Squeeze obtained two videos where Florida pro-voucher leader Doug Tuthill, himself a one-time liberal Democrat talking about how political contributions and playing in Democratic primaries has moved support for vouchers from a lone Democrat in 2001 to half the caucus by 2011.
Watch the first video in his own words on using political contributions to move Democrats on the issue.

In the following clip Tuthill  in a Q and A talks about using lower income children and families as the face of the program thus building corporate support and boxing in some Democrats politically .