Monday, March 24, 2014

UPDATE: Parents are opting out of PSSA tests: Here’s why + The School District’s big Trust problem | Parents United for Public Education

The School District’s big Trust problem | Parents United for Public Education:

Parents are opting out of PSSA tests: Here’s why
Parents United’s own Robin Roberts talks about why she opted her three children out of the PSSA tests which begin this week. (Photo: Philadelphia Inquirer) Today’s Philadelphia Inquirer features a great photo of Parents United’s Robin Roberts on why her children are opting out of the PSSA tests which begin this week. By Roberts’ count, her third grader was going to spend six school days – at leas

The School District’s big Trust problem

“Who will be the first to step up and earn our students’ trust and prove that our children are the most important? Who will start a new era of trust to create a public education model we all can take pride in?”
Trust is an important aspect in all relationships.  Lack of trust has the ability to destroy the greatest of friendships and in the past lead to wars and death.  Being able to trust someone will influence a person’s decisions, and attitude, toward an entity or institution. 
The School District of Philadelphia has a trust issue.  As president of Lea Elementary’s Home and School Association, I hear this all the time – and more now than ever.
In families the most precious commodity is their children. They represent the opportunity and possibility to repair past mistakes guardians and parents have made concerning their own life choices.  In them adults see the future and a chance to do great things, representing pride to the family. Education has always been the path forward or out of current circumstances depending on what obstacles individual families face.  The fact that there is such an exodus from the traditional public schools in certain communities to