Saturday, March 1, 2014

teacherken at Daily Kos This Week 3-1-14

teacherken at Daily Kos:

teacherken at Daily Kos This Week

An odd week in my classroom
One reason it was odd is that there were no interruptions or cancellations due to weather - as of now it looks like that trend will be broken at the beginning of next week. The week started out strong - we were observed by principals and the assistant superintendent for our cluster/region.  Several came into my 2nd period class partway through and stayed about 20-25 minutes.  When they left they h

FEB 27

A powerful column by Charles M. Blow
that I strongly urge you to read.  in No Country for Old Mores, in today's New York Times, there is so much good writing that I cannot hope to do it justice and remain within the bounds of fair use. He writes about S. B. 1062, the noxious piece of Arizona legislation vetoed yesterday by conservative Republican Governor Jan Brewer.  ' He writes in the context of yet another state having it's gay ma

FEB 25

I was discharged this evening
After multiple tests.  CAtscan. MRI.  Echocardiogram. Chest xray. Physical exams. Blood tests 28 hours in the hospital Blood pressure normal since 1:30 am this morning Stifled not sure of the cause Considering it a transient ischemic attack. TIA.  It could be a precursor of a stroke.  For now, aspirin, statin for cholesterol! blood pressure medicine.  Low salt as part of diet.  Otherwise as life g

FEB 24

When you decide not to take your medicine
The things that happen might not be good.  I have been ferling very well. I have lost wait. I am eating and drinking more healthily.  I have been getting good exercise thru yoga.  I have been far more relaxed and I had stopped taking my mess for BP and cholesterol I acknowledge that was a mistake as I write this on my iPhone from an ER bed a a hospital near where I teach At 11:30 this morning I ha

FEB 23

Austerity, health care and politics
There are two pieces featured in today's email from the Washington Post related to health care. In Richmond’s hell-no Republicans the P{ost editorial board takes to task the Republicans in Virginia's House of Delegates for their refusal to seriously address the issue of uninsured, refusing to take $$ from the federal government to fund Medicaid expansion.  They offer a pittance of $81 million to r
thoughts on living and teaching
I have not blogged much recently.  I have put more of myself into teaching, and I have decided to make some major changes in my life.   As some may already know, on December 30, I took my first ever yoga class, at Flow Yoga Center on P Street, near Logan Circle, in DC.  I had prior to that driven the woman who served as my wife's caregiver after her stem cell transplant to and from classes there,