Thursday, March 20, 2014

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PURE support from RESIST!


PURE is delighted to announce that we recently received a grant from RESIST, a grass roots foundation that supports social change.

According to their website, RESIST currently funds over 100 amazing grassroots organizations around the country a year. These groups use grants from RESIST to develop leadership, work on innovative grassroots campaigns, hire organizers, distribute literature and videos related to those campaigns and demand justice on a variety of issues. Most of our grantees reach across issues to connect communities and struggles. Their work spans anti-militarism, prisoners’ rights, community organizing, GLBTQ justice, environmental justice, antiracism, disability rights, youth organizing, Native Peoples’ rights and more. Since our founding in 1967, RESIST has awarded $5.5 million to nearly 5,200 dedicated progressive groups across the US. We rely 100% on the generosity of private individuals. RESIST began in 1967 with a “call to resist illegitimate authority” in support of draft resistance and in opposition to the Vietnam War. That history sustains us as our movement evolves and as our concerns broaden and deepen. We remember what it is like to move forward and beat the odds.

You might want to consider making a donation to RESIST to help groups like PURE continue to do our important work. Or, you might consider applying for RESIST funds for your own group! You can also call them at 617-623-5110 or contact them at 259 Elm Street, Somerville, MA 02144.
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