Sunday, March 16, 2014

Christie breaks the law. Again. | Bob Braun's Ledger

Christie breaks the law. Again. | Bob Braun's Ledger:

Christie breaks the law. Again.

Christie mug shot on the cover of Time
Christie mug shot on the cover of Time
Kids get busted for possession of small amounts of marijuana. Motorists are given tickets for burned-out brake lights. Small-time stuff, not even real crimes, but the municipal courts are jammed with it. Now, how about a governor—like, say Chris Christie–who consistently flouts the law, keeping as much as $5 billion from the public schools? What happens to him? He gets re-elected and thinks he can be President.
The Education Law Center (ELC) reminded us again this week  of what a genuine lawbreaker Christie is—and the public advocacy law firm isn’t talking about closed lanes on bridges or twisting arms to help friends make bucket-loads of money in Hoboken, Belleville, and New Brunswick. It’s talking about depriving tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of children of their constitutional right to a thorough and efficient education  by failing to ensure the school aid formula (SFRA) is funded.
You know, unimportant stuff like that.
So that’s not a criminal offense? Neither is driving with broken tail-lights or even smoking a joint—but schlubs like us and most of the rest of the world are held