Tuesday, March 11, 2014

UPDATE: Cash Money Kids – Florida’s Voucher Scheme | Continuing Change

Cash Money Kids – Florida’s Voucher Scheme | Continuing Change:

Podcast: FL Parents Holler NO To Vouchers !!
Podcast: FL Parents Say NO To Vouchers I focused on FL Voucher Expansion Bills in my podcast today. http://www.spreaker.com/user/7131496/podcast-fl-parents-say-no-to-vouchers Listen in, share and please follow link to take action: http://takeaction.fundeducationnow.org/page/speakout/voucher-expansion-bill I draw my own conclusions, provide links for reference, and embrace the snarky. #GatorBonBC

Cash Money Kids – Florida’s Voucher Scheme

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It’s simple. One word. Profits.
I created a “Storify” to describe the FL vouchers scheme.
FL Parents Say NO to Vouchers –
Take action here:
Don’t let big money lobbyists be the voice of Florida parents.