Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cami, where are the books? | Bob Braun's Ledger

Cami, where are the books? | Bob Braun's Ledger:

Cami, where are the books?

Where the hell are the books?
Where the hell are the books?
It’s not the ideology. It’s not the politics. It’s not the ego (see mostrecent HuffPost by Cami Anderson, the overpaid tsar of Newark education). It’s not the national pundits screaming at each other over the Internet.
It’s just plain incompetence and indifference to babies of all shades.
This is from a teacher and it’s a better blog than I or anyone else could write about the subject:
 ”I’m a special education teacher and my students do not have any math books. My children are low functioning so all the math workbooks are in color. Try making photocopies of colored books! I’ve contacted the union and they helped me to at least get the Teacher’s guides. Here it is March and my students have no books and probably won’t get them this year. I am private messaging you because I am fearful of Anderson. I am an experienced teacher at the top of the pay scale and I believe if I or my colleagues make waves she will close our happy little school so I will be forced to retire. The books are ordered by Anderson’s staff not at the school level. I can’t sit by anymore. To me it’s criminal not to give children what they need to learn.”
Does anyone really