Thursday, March 13, 2014

Building Positive School Morale: My Thoughts | Connected Principals

Building Positive School Morale: My Thoughts | Connected Principals:

Building Positive School Morale: My Thoughts

In times of great change and during stressful situations, it is easy for the morale of any organization to “take a dip”. This can be caused by multiple factors and influences, including those internally and externally. My experiences as a school leader have taught me that there are some simple things that any administrator can do to build a positive morale within their school and school community. While not an exhaustive list, here are some things that I feel are “high leverage” items in keeping morale positive:
• Talk less and listen more. Building morale in times of great educational change means listening to those that you lead, including students and parents. Use active listening strategies to engage with staff and students so they know you understand what is important to them, what is challenging for them, and what brings joy to their school experience. Sometimes, just being heard and feeling that someone has listened to you is key. For parents, it means hearing their concerns and providing forums for them to share with you what they hope their children take away from their school experience.
• Communicate frequently and via multiple means. Strong communicators help keep school communities connected. I