Saturday, March 15, 2014

Arne Does Boston | EduShyster

Arne Does Boston | EduShyster:

Arne Does Boston

 What a week, reader! The excellence express rolled into the Bay State, carrying some seriously career-ready cargo—none other than Arne Duncan himself. What do you mean you didn’t know anything about it??? Now ordinarily this is the point at which I would lambaste you for eschewing excellence in favor of conducting your own race to the bottom of the wine box. But you’re off the hook. You see, almost no one knew that Arne was in town this week as his visit garnered nary an inch of newsprint. Which seems a little, well, odd, given that the battle over the Liftin O’ the Charter Cap is reaching its acme. Tin foil at the ready, reader. It’s time for another edition of *the story behind the story.* 

The first leg of Arne’s journey retraced a by now well-trod path: to Orchard Gardens, a Boston SIGcess story, otherwise known as the most