Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ain't Gonna Teach to the Test No More - CPS ISAT Boycott

CPS students are among the most over-tested in the nation.

Standardized tests waste valuable classroom time and cost school districts millions of dollars.

Despite the fact that CPS admits the ISAT is not longer tied to any relevant procedures or consequences, it will still be making students grades 3-8 take this entirely unnecessary test March 3-14.

CPS parents are organizing in record numbers to opt their children out of the ISAT and say no to over-testing that hurts our kids and our schools. Join us and let's work together to #IceTheISAT!

To learn more about opting out, visit:

Or call the Opt Out Hotline:


I'm gonna lay down my bubble sheets
Outside the Board of Ed 
Outside the Board of Ed
Outside the Board of Ed 
I'm gonna lay down my bubble sheets
Outside the Board of Ed
Ain't gonna teach to the test no more

I'm gonna speak to my principal
Until they come around
Until they come around
I'm gonna stand my ground
I'm gonna speak to my principal 
Until they come around
Ain't gonna teach to the test no more

I'm gonna take back my right to teach
From all the test makers
Won't be a test taker
I'll be a test breaker
I'm gonna take back my right to teach
From all the test makers
Ain't gonna teach to the test no more

And Arne Duncan can take a hike
Right out of Washington 
Right out of Washington 
And not come back again
And Arne Duncan can take a hike
Right out of Washington 
Ain't gonna teach to the test no more

I'm gonna stand up for all my kids
Despite the Board of Ed 
Despite the Board of Ed 
I'll teach a real class instead
I'm gonna stand up for all my kids
Despite the Board of Ed 
Ain't gonna teach to the test no more