Sunday, March 9, 2014

3-9-14 Perdido Street School Week

Perdido Street School:

Will Hiring David Coleman Backfire On College Board?
From FOX News:The man known as the "architect" of Common Core has used his new job running the College Board to deal a devastating blow to critics of the national education standards. The SAT was revamped to align with the Common Core Standards Initiative, the broad language and math standards adopted by 45 states despite growing complaints that it will result in nationalized control of

The New York State Education Department Common Core Modules - Meant To Dumb Down A Whole Generation Of Children

Here's a comment NYCDOEnuts left on this Perdido Street School post yesterday on the NYSED modules:At my school, I have two 9th grade classes where I am required to teach to the modules. They are so dry and tedious, that on days when I follow the curriculum (knowing I could be popped in on for an informal eval) my classroom is completely lifeless. Imagine spending a whole period asking almost the
3-8-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Perdido Street School WeekThe Lie That "Many Educators Support The Common Core Standards"Newsday has an article reporting parents protesting the CCSS outside of State Senator John "I Love The Common Core Because Michelle Rhee Loves The Common Core!" Flanagan's office yesterday.Flanagan makes pains in the article to say that he supports the CCSS, just thin