Monday, March 3, 2014

3-3-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Andrew Cuomo's Common Core Ad Is Full Of Distortions And Mistruths
Take a look at the Cuomo Common Core ad his campaign is running and think about the chutzpah it took to make this piece of propaganda:Here's the script:Hello, I’m Governor Andrew Cuomo. For all of us, there’s nothing more important than our children and their education is everything. While the state’s new Common Core curriculum is heading in the right direction, testing on it is premature. It crea

John Flanagan Doesn't Want To Delay Common Core
From State of Politics:Senate Education Committee Chairman John Flanagan was non-committal on whether his chamber would take up the Assembly bill to delay for two years the implementation of the Common Core standards. Flanagan indicated the concerns of the Senate are necessarily the speed of implementation, but that it should simply have been done better. “The real challenge comes as how do you d
Cuomo Using State Resources To Juice Turnout For His Events
Fred Dicker in the NY Post:Aides to Gov. Cuomo have been secretly using state resources to “crowd-build’’ turnouts at public events for Cuomo’s new and supposedly all-volunteer Citizen Preparedness Corps, which responds to natural disasters, e-mails obtained by The Post show.The confidential e-mails in some cases direct officials to come up with at least 10 people each to attend the sessions.They

If CCSS Tests Aren't Good Enough To Be Used For Student Evaluations, Why Are They Good Enough For Teacher Evaluations And Merit Pay?
A commenter on the Newsday article reporting Andrew Cuomo is going to run his own pro-CCSS ads that will also criticize the CCSS roll-out from the state and say the CCSS tests are not ready to be used on students:So he says outright that using the test scores is unfair for evaluating students....But it IS fair for evaluating teachers? And he thinks some should get a taxpayer funded $20,000 bonus b

Putting Common Core In Perspective
A commenter at the Newsday story reporting Cuomo is going to run his own pro-CCCSS ads:CC is part of a world-wide corporate globalization initiative to dumb down teachers, currricula and students and turn them into scared, uncreative, unimaginative, test- taking drones. The de-skilling of teachers and students will turn them into lower-paid, passive people with the ultimate goal of increased corpo
Governor Cuomo To Air His Own Common Core Ads This Week
From Newsday: ALBANY -- Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo will start airing a statewide television ad this week to push his reforms to the Common Core curriculum so students won't unfairly be hurt by test scores under the new, higher standards, a spokesman said Sunday evening. The governor's push comes amid a move by Assembly Democrats to delay aspects of the highly criticized Common Core standards for two yea

3-2-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Oldie But Goodie: What Eva Moskowitz, Success Academies And Cancer Have In CommonA Perdido Street School post from October 11, 2013:Eva Moskowitz - A Cancer In The School System Eva Moskowitz's charter schools - uncontrolled cancerous growth:Like many public school parents and veteran educators, Lynn Manuell is fed up with the special treatment granted charter schools during